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Join our movement now! with up to date information about freedom!
Help our campaign today for a better tomorrow!
Help our campaign today for a better tomorrow!
Help our campaign today for a better tomorrow!
Back Cover:
Includes "Unscrewed Again" & the Archetype of the US Constitution
With the most up to date references available. See the truth about the Founding of our Nation and how to keep and protect The United States of America.
If you like the back cover, this is the one to get.
Note: It includes the full version of "Unscrewed Again"
But does not includes the Archetype of the US Constitution
Go ahead, laugh.
But then view and read all five chapters of this newly released booklet.
Invest 40 minutes of your time to save yourself and your Country.
Chapters 1 thru 5
The Whole Story, The Real Information, The REAL Documents that show the TRUE Story of how we came to be "The United States of America".
25 Day Pre-History Lesson 2/06/2024
14 Day Countdown until Our World Comes apart! 2/13/2024
The Danger of "Underestimating".
7 days until things really start popping! 2/19/2024
2/6/2024 State of our Country Update!
Bi-Partisan "Ship-of-Fools"
Your Rights Have been stolen unless the Supreme Court Over-rules the 5th Circuit
Your Rights to Vote for the candidates you want is being taken away by SC Bill H 4022: "INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING METHOD OF CONDUCTING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS "
This Country is at a crossroad in History. If we are to survive as a Nation and keep the world from coming apart,
2024 State of the Union address, no truth allowed. 3/12/24
If so, just strap on your shootin iron and walk around SC ! 3/10/24
These Bastards have been doing this OUT IN THE OPEN for 30 Years. The only way to stop them is to throw them all out! The answers are in the books!
Your Rights have Been Stolen unless the Supreme Court over-rules the 5th Circuit!
Your Rights are being taken away by this so-called Hate Crimes Bill.
2024 Presidential Election, Congress Kick the can (again!) and the Supreme court makes a decision. 3/7/2024
Time to Replace the House ! 2/28/2024
Absolute Truths of Life!
Is the Supreme Court Ready to Dismantle the Administrative State?
Watch and learn how the 8th Circuit has stripped away your rights!
That's what you think!
A quick lesson illustrating why our governments shouldn't "Bond" to fund "Public Works".
Check out this great video. As with most videos on this site, they are made with "Pictory Ai " .
DC Federal Courthouse
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Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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